Bill-O Attacks Democratic Convention Speakers As Extremists
Bill O'Reilly used his Talking Points Memo segment Monday night to attack various speakers at the upcoming Democratic National Convention, and in particular Sandra Fluke and treat his viewers to a big heaping helping of projection and false
Bill O'Reilly used his Talking Points Memo segment Monday night to attack various speakers at the upcoming Democratic National Convention, and in particular Sandra Fluke and treat his viewers to a big heaping helping of projection and false equivalencies.
That sleazy Sandra Fluke just wants tax payers to pay for her birth control, even though she doesn't. Democrats have a bunch of "far left loons" and abortion loving extremists speaking at their convention that just want to fearmonger over Republican policies on women, Medicare, that they want to make the rich richer and don't care about the working class -- or in other words tell the truth. And oh my God they've got that radical leftist Elizabeth Warren speaking and that lesbian woman Tammy Baldwin... the horror!
And Republicans, in Bill-O's world anyway, have a bunch of moderates speaking at their convention and no one from the far right -- they even told Sarah Palin to stay home. Although Rick Santorum is speaking. And no "local" tea partiers, but Rand Paul is speaking. And other than that all moderates. And Mike Huckabee.
Upside down land thy name is Fox.