Bill O'Reilly And Lou Dobbs Call Robert Reich A Communist Who Secretly Adores Karl Marx

Communist, Socialist, Marxist... it's all apparently the same if you're Bill O'Reilly and Lou Dobbs out there lobbing insults at former Secretary of Labor and professor Robert Reich for daring to say the United States should be investing in things

Communist, Socialist, Marxist... it's all apparently the same if you're Bill O'Reilly and Lou Dobbs out there lobbing insults at former Secretary of Labor and professor Robert Reich for daring to say the United States should be investing in things like education, research and development and infrastructure and that we can't expect big corporations to do it, during his appearance on The Daily Show this week.

Naturally O'Reilly and Dobbs use the opportunity to attack government as somehow 'draining the resources" of corporations, even though they're making record high profits and hoarding cash right now. And although they admit there are a number of things that the government is the only entity capable of managing, neither will admit Reich's point that there are investments government should be making into the private sector such as investing in alternative energy, since both of them are carrying water for the big oil companies, which is what they spent the beginning of the segment doing before the portion in the clip shown above.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. I thought Dobbs couldn't get much worse back when he was ranting and raving about illegal immigration day after day on CNN. His move over to Fox's business channel and guest appearances like this one on O'Reilly's show have proven me wrong.

h/t Media Matters

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