Bill O'Reilly And Lou Dobbs Take Their Turn Telling Us How Good The Poor Have It Nowdays

Bill-O and Dobbs use a report by the Heritage Foundation with six year old data to let everyone know how very fortunate the poor are in America because they still own stuff like appliances, televisions and computers and pretend there's still some real chance at upward mobility here if you're unfortunate enough to be born into poverty in the United States.

what Dave wrote that applies here as well:

Even more hilarious, in a twisted way, is when they take it upon themselves to lecture those same Americans about the virtues of poverty -- or to explain, as Fox's Stuart Varney did yesterday, just how much better off poor Americans are now than they used to be.

In fact, according to his guest -- Robert Rector of the Heritage Foundation, who has assembled his damned lies and statistics in a single report at their site, America's poor people have a better standard of living than your average European. Right -- if appliances were any accurate measure of your standard of living.

This is just one of those pleasant reminders from our corporate masters that you're never as bad off as you think you are. Why, Varney and Rector seem dismayed that today's poor in America don't live off dirt floors. If you keep pushing for taxes on the rich, that may be what you'll get!

We got the same broken record citing the same report from O'Reilly and Dobbs on this Wednesday's The O'Reilly Factor with typical caveats by both of them that of course they don't mean to diminish what those who are living in poverty are going through (yeah, right) and with Bill-O saying it would be nice to see an update on the data they cited in the report because it's six years old.

Of course they both thought that Americans would be doing even better now. That might be true if you're an overpaid blowhard working for Fox like the two of them, but I have a hard time believing that either of them if forced to tell the truth actually believe that themselves. Dobbs was bad enough when he was on CNN. Going to work for Fox Business and as a regular pundit on Fox News has just made him worse.

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