flagged this segment did a nice job here on how
anti-poverty programs have actually kept millions out of poverty, countering O'Reilly's nonsense.
O'Reilly brought in Alan Colmes and Monica Crowley for a follow up to his opening segment and Colmes made some good points countering O'Reilly on taxation, who these programs are helping, the number of children and elderly involved and what not, but it wasn't enough to keep Crowley from defending O'Reilly's talking points and pretending that Democrats just want to keep everyone poor so those needing government assistance will vote for them.
What Crowley ignores is that if we had minimum wage keeping up with what anyone needs to earn as a living wage and CEO's not making hundreds of times more than their lowest paid workers, we would not need to be supplementing these people's incomes through the government, because their employers would be doing that instead.
People like Bill O'Reilly and Monica Crowley are much more concerned with trying to demonize the poor as they did here than ever take a look at why so many who are working for a living can barely afford to get by and are looking to the government for assistance.
Someone needs to ask both of these clowns why the taxpayers should be subsidizing Walmart and their ilk because they don't want to pay their employees a living wage or cover their insurance costs and why that corporate welfare on the backs of the taxpayers is acceptable in the United States. Apparently that's alright as long as you're demonizing the people employed who need government assistance and not the company for raking in billions while being too cheap to pay their employees a living wage or for their health insurance.
I'm sure we'd get crickets in response if either Bill-O or his buddy Crowley ever found anything besides a mic at Fox put in front of their face.
Video of the panel segment following Bill-O's talking points memo below the fold.