Bill O'Reilly Pushes Latest Hit Piece By James O'Keefe's Project Veritas

Given the track record of James O'Keefe's Project Veritas, who wants to take dibs that these videos being pushed by Fox and Bill O'Reilly, going after "Obamacare" navigators who are still in training, are heavily edited? That didn't seem to bother Bill-O one bit and he featured their latest hit piece in his Talking Points Memo this Monday evening.

Given the track record of James O'Keefe's Project Veritas, who wants to take dibs that these videos being pushed by Fox and Bill O'Reilly, going after "Obamacare" navigators who are still in training, are heavily edited? That didn't seem to bother Bill-O one bit and he featured their latest hit piece in his Talking Points Memo this Monday evening.

Here's the way they covered it over at Fox's blog: Undercover Video Exposes ObamaCare Navigators Suggesting Fraud, Deceit:

The implementation of ObamaCare has been a catastrophe. With the website not working properly and millions of people already losing their existing health coverage, the president’s approval ratings are dropping.

Enter in the conservative group Project Veritas. They sent an undercover person to the National Urban League offices in Texas. The Urban League is receiving more than a million taxpayer dollars to guide people into the ObamaCare system, Bill O’Reilly reported. Some of that money is being used to hire navigators, people who are supposed to help Americans sign up.

The undercover investigator talked to a few of the navigators in training. The Factor played part of the video tonight. The first question was about what to state as income on the application. The navigator tells the person not to declare money he made under the table, in essence, suggesting fraud.

On another occasion, the Project Veritas member asked about smoking. The trainee responds, “You lie because your premiums will be higher.”

“Fraud and deceit, sounds like a great federal program,” O’Reilly reacted.

The segment was even too much for Fox faux-liberal Juan Williams, who pointed out to O'Reilly that just catching a couple of trainees on video doesn't mean this is going on all across the system. O'Reilly just brushed off the complaints and went on to attack Williams for his belief that everyone should have access to affordable health care... even if they're lazy, having children of wedlock or not terribly smart. I can't imagine just who Billy boy was trying to stereotype there, can you?

Someone needs to tell him to get some new material, because the rehashing of Ronald Reagan's attacks on "lazy welfare queens" is getting tiresome, as is his support of O'Keefe and his drummed up "scandals."

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