Bill O'Reilly Rails About The Media Ignoring Their Attacks On Chuck Hagel
It's been a week and Bill-O is still hammering away, trying to get Chuck Hagel fired because Republicans shut down the government.
Bill-O also took the opportunity to attack the rest of the media for not spending enough time to suit him and jumping on board with their latest faux outrage of the day -- and for rightfully placing the blame for the shutdown in Republicans' laps where it belongs.
Here's how they covered the segment over at Fox's blog: O'Reilly Calls Out Mainstream Media for Ignoring Death Benefits Controversy:
Bill O’Reilly criticized the mainstream media’s lack of coverage on the military death benefits controversy. The Department of Defense said it would not pay for the death benefits of fallen soldiers and blamed the government shutdown.
A private charity, Fisher House Foundation, stepped in to help after the president and Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel botched the situation. “All President Obama had to do was take his little pen, sign an executive order that paid the families a $100,000 dollar benefit.”
As the American people expressed their growing outrage, the House and Senate passed a separate spending bill to fund the benefits and the president signed it Thursday night – 10 days after the government shut down.
“None of that had to happen,” O’Reilly reasoned. “The military benefits chaos shows just how poor our leadership is in Washington, and the folks know it.”
Over a two-night period, O’Reilly observed that CNN devoted less than 15 minutes to the coverage during their primetime shows. Broadcast news programs either downplayed the story or barely covered it. It was when NBC and newspapers like The New York Times invested in telling the truth, O’Reilly said, that the government caved.
“Here’s the bad news,” the Factor host continued, “MSNBC continued its business as usual of blaming Republicans for just about everything.”
Yeah, those poor picked on Republicans. How dare anyone point out that they planned on and continue to use a government shutdown and the debt ceiling for hostage taking. The nerve.