Blitzer Apologizes For "Any Confusion Caused" By "Department Of Jihad?" Chryon

Not much of an apology if you ask me. Wolf Blitzer says CNN is sorry for any "confusion" caused by their "Department of Jihad?" chryon during their se

CNN Only Too Happy To Parrot Liz Cheney's Scare Tactics and Fear Mongering.

Blitzer: I want to give our viewers a note. As we were going to a commercial break yesterday around this time we had a graphic on the screen that said "Department of Jihad?" followed by a question mark. Many of you tweeted me, said you found that graphic to be offensive. I agree. It was.

The graphic referenced a video that Liz Cheney's organization Keep America Safe. Their video features those words on screen questioning the loyalty of Justice Department attorneys who have previously worked on behalf of Guantanamo detainees.

CNN had no intention of suggesting that the Justice Department supports terrorism. Lawyers at the Justice Department are patriotic Americans, and we certainly regret any confusion that may have been caused by our graphic.

Silly viewers. You were just confused by the chryon. Apparently this fell on deaf ears earlier if Blitzer and CNN are going to pretend the only thing wrong with that segment was the graphic. As Nicole said, feel like giving CNN some feedback on their misinformation? Email them here.

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