Breitbart Claims That Bill Maher And Michael Eric Dyson Set Him Up To Look Like A Racist On Real Time

Well, C-SPAN decided not only to embarrass themselves by allowing Andrew Breitbart to come on their morning call-in show Washington Journal this week. They also decided to give him some fact free air time with Armstrong Williams as the interviewer

Armstrong's background with being a Bush sycophant.

And for a little trip down memory lane as I took last year, here's some of Breitbart's appearance on Real Time that he was complaining about. See if you can follow along and understand the words that come out of Dyson's mouth, because that was apparently too much for Breitbart's brain to digest, but something he doesn't have any trouble with doing some historical revisionism on now. I assume he thinks that there is no one who watched the show on HBO and his appearance with Dyson that also watches C-SPAN or that possibly recorded both because his rewriting of what went down during that obnoxious interview on HBO during this Book TV interview is almost comical.

Shame on C-SPAN for allowing this garbage to be broadcast on their airways.

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