Brokaw Uses New Poll As Excuse To Continue To Push For Cuts To 'Entitlements'

He just can't stop himself. It's only been a few weeks since Tom Brokaw was on Meet the Press, pushing for cuts to Social Security and Medicare and here he is back again this Sunday, this time using an new NBC/WSJ poll on the public's expectations

Tom Brokaw was on Meet the Press, pushing for cuts to Social Security and Medicare and here he is back again this Sunday, this time using an new NBC/WSJ poll on the public's expectations going into President Obama's second term to push for cutting them again.

Chuck Todd showed the audience some of the results from the poll and a word cloud showing the answer to the question "What would you tell Pres. Obama as he begins his second term?" and here's what that looked like:

And here's how Brokaw interpreted it:

BROKAW: Yes, and I was looking at those top three priorities for the American people and they all fit into his single most difficult task, it seems to me, both conceptually and specifically. In the next couple of years -- and he only has a couple of years, second terms are not four year terms -- you're running right up to the mid-term election, frankly -- I think that there's a desperate need for the country, going forward, to do something about tax reform and entitlements, sitting under the umbrella of fixing the economy and creating more jobs and stop the spending. That's going to be tough.

We've been giving people things for a long time. Now they're going to have to start reeling them in and fine tuning them and that's going to take an exceptional hand in the White House to pull that off. So that's a daunting task. You know, this is like the Saturday before Superbowl Sunday, everybody's talking about what's going to happen. Then the kickoff comes and unexpected events begin to roll out across the political landscape and that's what he has to adapt to David.

You know what's not "unexpected" Tom? That millionaire pundits like yourself are going to continue to push to gut our social safety nets because you don't want your taxes raised.

When I read that Americans believe we need to create jobs, fix the economy and stop the spending, the first things to come into my mind are stop outsourcing, quit with the race to the bottom on wages, quit busting unions and stop wasting money on our bloated military industrial complex. Somehow cutting Social Security benefits instead of raising the cap and cutting Medicare benefits by raising the eligibility age and forcing seniors into private insurance -- instead of addressing the real problems with our rising health care costs -- never made it onto my list. Imagine that.

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