Bryan Fischer: America Will Never Elect A Saggy Old Woman Like Hillary Clinton As President

Right wing hatemonger and shyster Bryan Fischer decided to attack Hillary Clinton, not for her policies, but for her looks and her age should she decide to run for president.

gay hating fraud, Bryan Fischer needs to go STFU when it comes to attacking Hillary for either her age or her looks.

When he wants to start applying the same standards to her male counterparts, then maybe someone should take this sort of rhetoric seriously. In the mean time, it's just a preview of what we will end up getting used to if Clinton does win the nomination and/or the presidency. We'll go straight from the race baiting we've seen with President Obama in office to the misogyny on display here.

Fischer: America Will Never Elect A Saggy, Old Woman Like Hillary Clinton As President:

It is well established that Bryan Fischer is unapologetically sexist, especially when it comes to the issue of a woman becoming President of the United States, so it is no surprise that he has recently begun attacking possible Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton in blatantly sexist ways.

He did so again on his radio broadcast today, predicting that Clinton will not become president because voters don't want to "elect an old woman to the Oval Office ... She's just going to be too old, going to be too saggy, gravity will have done too much of its mojo on her; she's just going to look old and tired next to virtually anybody that the Republicans run out there."

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