Bunning And Coburn Worst Persons For Blocking Extending National Flood Insurance Plan

Senators Jim Bunning and Tom Coburn take Worst Persons honors for this stunt -- Northeast Hit With Devastating Floods, As Federal Flood Insurance Expi

Northeast Hit With Devastating Floods, As Federal Flood Insurance Expires Due To GOP Obstruction:

Last week, Senate Republicans, led by Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK), blocked an extension of unemployment benefits, claiming that they objected to granting the extension without offsetting it with a spending cut elsewhere. Last month, Sen. Jim Bunning (R-KY) and a handful of his Republican allies did the same thing, with Bunning telling Democrats who wanted to pass an extension by unanimous consent “tough sh*t.”

But it wasn’t only unemployment benefits that expired: the same package that the Republicans blocked also included extenders for the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). And the critical nature of NFIP was brought into the spotlight this week, as many northeastern states have been battered with record amounts of rainfall, which has led to widespread flooding. Read on...

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