Cable News Wonders: If A Judicial Nominee Plays Softball, Does That Make Her Gay?

TPM did a really nice job with this mash-up. As someone who played a whole lot of softball over the years with people who were gay and straight, bla

TPM did a really nice job with this mash-up. As someone who played a whole lot of softball over the years with people who were gay and straight, black, white, male, female or whoever, I find this media narrative rather silly.

I know where the stereotype is coming from because the best league I ever played in was an A-League where our team really didn't belong and got beaten pretty badly in most of the games we played there. It didn't go unnoticed by my teammates and myself that we were probably one of the few teams there that was primarily comprised of straight women. My cousin who is gay was one of the best softball players I knew of and could knock the ball out of the park further than most of the men I ever played with, but she wasn't the only one by any means. I didn't care what the sexual orientation of my teammates or rival teams were any more than I cared what race they were. I just enjoyed playing the game.

Sports leagues have always been a place where gay women could come together and enjoy socializing without being scrutinized like they would be for going to a gay bar. To take that and imply that everyone who liked to play softball or basketball or any sport for that matter and never ended up getting married is gay is utterly ridiculous.

It puts women of all sexual orientations who like to play sports or decide not to get married into a box and implies there's something wrong with either or there's something wrong with being gay. A three-fer with the insults. This just looks like a cheap shot at women to me and an extremely outdated one at that.

I also don't like those who choose to stay single being insulted. I didn't get married until I was in my mid-thirties. A lot of people just don't meet anyone they want to get married to and stay single. When men stay single until they're older, they're some great catch for some lucky woman who's going to finally convince them to get hitched. When women decide to stay single, they're an old maid... or maybe they're gay. There must be something wrong with them since they never chose to get married.

And don't even get me started on the pressure to have kids when you're already in your mid-thirties and do finally get married. I'll leave that for another day.

The Gulf coast is about to be destroyed by a massive oil slick and this is what these idiots want to spend their time "reporting" on. Leave Elena Kagan the hell alone about her sexual orientation. I'm more concerned about whether she's going to help move the court back to the left and not vote on the side of corporations over people at every turn. If her defenders are correct that's what she'll do. I hope they're right since it's likely she'll be confirmed.

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