Cafferty File: What Message Do Tens Of Thousands Of Protesters Marching On Washington Send To Pres. Obama?

From The Cafferty File: Tens of thousands of protesters marched on Washington Saturday — in the largest demonstration against Pres. Obama since he

The Cafferty File:

Tens of thousands of protesters marched on Washington Saturday — in the largest demonstration against Pres. Obama since he took office. The march leading to the Capitol was loud and animated and stretched on for blocks.

It seemed like the culmination of what started out as Tea Parties in the spring against the president’s economic stimulus package — and turned into health care protests over the summer.

These protesters have managed to give a voice to an opposition — something that Republicans have been trying mostly unsuccessfully to do.

The crowd was protesting a whole range of things — there were opponents of Mr. Obama’s tax, spending and health care plans, as well as those who are concerned about the government’s possible encroachment on their right to bear arms.

There were accusations of socialism and shouts of “liar.” Protests like this also attract the lunatic fringe — who questioned the president’s citizenship, compared his administration to Nazi Germany and even those who likened the president himself to an African witch doctor.

The White House says the protesters are “wrong” about health care and that the president does not think the protests and the growing conservative movement against him are motivated by racism.

Whatever the cause it’s worth noting that tens of thousands of people gave up their Saturday to march on Washington, D.C. against a man who has only been in office eight months.

Here’s my question to you: What message do tens of thousands of protesters marching on Washington send to Pres. Obama?

J.C. from Raleigh, North Carolina writes:

Jack, The message is that scare tactics, half-truths and lies can confuse concerned and somewhat gullible citizens. Obama is to some extent responsible for this response because he has allowed this furor to fester. Coyness isn’t going to work for Obama. Tim Russert would call for details, details and more details.

Tom writes:

No one believes Obama anymore. He’s a good used car salesman, but a poor president. Face it, the jobs are gone, he can’t get a health care bill, he can’t even get kids’ parents to listen to him. I voted for him but he’s a failure. He’s had more than enough time to do something constructive.

Mervin writes:

These “tea party” and “birther” types are just like the loonies who plotted and carried out all manner of violence against black students during the integration of schools in the late ’60s. It just burns them to the core of their hateful beings that the president is a highly thoughtful and intelligent black male.

Jane from Wisconsin writes:

It’s amazing how many ignorant people on your blog seem to think everything is about race. Obama’s radical agenda would be disturbing no matter what color he was.

Sam writes:

It’s ridiculous that these easily-manipulated “Fox fools” are making such a racket in the first year of Pres. Obama’s term, after sitting on their hands for 8 years of Bush driving the country into a ditch. I’m deeply offended.

Bob from Philadelphia writes:

The protests would be taken more seriously if the lunatic fringe stayed home. Half of the people at these protests look like they escaped from an asylum. The fact that Obama’s approval rating just went up to 58% backs up this thinking.

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