Candy Crowley Allows Mitch McConnell To Pretend He's Been Cooperating With Democrats

After CNN's Candy Crowley pointed out that a lot of what's really worrying the voters along with the IMF is the current gridlock in the United States Congress, she asked Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell when the last time was that he sat down

record number of filibusters. They've held up and stalled to put a drag on the economy intentionally, things that should have bipartisan support like the transportation bill they finally passed, which I assume is one of the whole whopping eleven bills he's talking about here.

And she let him getting away with lying about the President ever “getting everything he wanted” passed when the Democrats had the majority. That's not true. He still had Joe Lieberman and Blue Dogs to deal with in the House and the Senate, so nothing truly progressive was going to get past those obstructionists as well. This is the same man who said his single most important goal was to make sure President Obama was a one term president and to make sure he was not reelected and he's done his best with obstructing everything they believe is politically tenable to assure that's what happens. Crowley hinted at their tactics, but couldn't be bothered to take him to task for them.

Her question about whether they've been sitting down and working together was just ridiculous on its face because she already knew what the answer was before she asked it, but she asked it anyway and then let McConnell lie to her face without a bit of push back.

MCCONNELL: We've passed eleven different things the President's asked us to pass in the last six months. That's not the point. The point is this. For two years, the administration pushed through everything they wanted to. They borrowed. They spent. They had the government takeover of health care. That's all in place, and the question the American people should be asking is, how is that working?

Now the President would like to do more of the same. We don't think that makes sense. Why don't we try doing things to get the private sector, which is the only way we're going to get out of this economic trough, going again?

CROWLEY: We don't try because you're in the minority, not a majority in the Senate and yet the minority in the Senate can stop things, so you know, the fact of the matter is, don't you and Sen. Reid need to sit down and say here's how we can help the economy. Here's what we can agree on. Have you all done that?

MCCONNELL: We have as I just indicated passed a number of things that the President's asked for.

CROWLEY: But have you sat down with Sen. Reid (crosstalk)

MCCONNELL: Sure. Every day we talk about the say forward and we have passed a number of pieces of legislation that are important and our helpful, but the primary problem is, the President would like for us to keep doing more of what he was able to do the first two years when he had total control of Congress. The American people have looked at the results of that. It clearly has not worked.

And on to the next topic she moved. Completely useless.

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