Candy Crowley Still Touting 'Security Moms' Nonsense

It seems Candy Crowley can't get enough of this fake "war on terror" non-existent group made up by the media called "security moms" with this latest b

George Bush stealing his second election?

As I already noted in the post on Chris Matthews, I agree with Digby here too. "The media has gone insane." They are so desperate to validate their talking points from 2003 that it is just disgusting and Digby's right on what the real concerns of most American women are and the economy; "The only "security mom" who cares more about that than the fact that she doesn't have a job is a well paid television celebrity."

The only security most Americans period really care about right now is whether they have a job and can keep a roof over their head and that their families are fed. Not whether they should be scared to death over this latest attempt at terrorism that the media is more than happy to hype.

Transcript via CNN.

MALVEAUX: I want to bring in Candy Crowley, of course, to talk about some of that politics.

The president did acknowledge that there were bits of information that were not shared that should have been shared, and that this was really a catastrophic -- he called catastrophic breach of security here.

What do you suppose the voters are looking for, when you say 2010, midterm elections? How are they going to see the Obama administration, do you suppose, in ranking them, evaluating his immediate steps dealing with this terrorist attempt?

CANDY CROWLEY: I think the back-and- forth about whether he should have come out within the first couple of hours, and then his not coming out until yesterday, pretty much goes away. It now becomes, what did the president do?

I totally agree with Ed, because what's happened here is the president has now come out forcefully. It is reminiscent of his early days, right after he was sworn in, when what you saw was a lot of activity on the economy.

The president, every day, was talking to someone, the cameras were there, just giving that message to the American people that he was on the job. I think the fact that we have seen him for two days in a row is the White House recognizing that this is perhaps more important, the safety of the American people, perhaps more important, Suzanne, than jobs. It wouldn't take much to rev up security moms who were so important in 2000 and 2004.

So, I think what voters judge is sort of the record. So it won't be about today or tomorrow, but, then, what did he do? How safe did he keep us?

MALVEAUX: And we noticed in covering President Bush, he clearly needed those security moms. President Bush relied on those security moms to get reelected because there was so much concern about a potential terrorist attack following 9/11.

CROWLEY: Nothing more important than your safety. I mean, it's one of the key things that the federal government is charged with, and that is keeping its citizens safe.

MALVEAUX: All right, Candy. We'll be back to you very shortly.

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