Carly Fiorina Tries To Airbrush Romney's Opposition To Auto Bailout
It's hard to say what the worst part of this Sunday's Meet the Press was, whether it be David Gregory allowing Republican governors to take credit for recoveries that started before they came in office, allowing David Brooks to drone on constantly
As Media Matters has documented here, she's just touting the same lines as the rest of them who have been carrying water for Romney on this issue -- Right-Wing Media Help Romney Hide His Opposition To The Successful Auto Rescue . At least we had Rachel Maddow and E.J. Dionne there for some push back to David Brooks and Carly Fiorina's hackery, because lord knows David Gregory wasn't going to do it. Useless. The man is completely useless as a host. Sadly, he fits in perfectly with the lot of them that host these Sunday bobble head shows.
DIONNE: See, I disagree with David. I think this election is a fundamental choice and I think the trust issue links closely with the economic issue. Romney is almost one as a product. It’s like if you’re selling a car--you want air-conditioning, I’ll give you air-conditioning. You want rich, Corinthian leather, remember those old ads, I’ll give you a leather. Romney is saying you want right wing in the primary, I’ll give you that. You want centrist in the election, I’ll give you that. And the auto rescue is a good example where he was clearly against it. And in the debate, trying to suggest that he was for it. And I think it’s entirely appropriate that the auto rescue has been so important to Obama running so well in Ohio, because it’s really a choice. Either government should just sit by and let the market do its thing or government can come in and correct certain market outcomes and prevent catastrophe. That is the kind of choice we face in this election.
BROOKS: I mean, if-- if you want to talk about trust, what Obama is talking about on the trail, first of all, there’s no second term agenda. Second, when he goes off the record with the Des Moines register last week, he gives out a second term agenda which is nothing like what he’s been talking about on the trail.
(Cross talk)
DIONNE: That’s not true. It’s not true at all.
BROOKS: Okay. Wait. So let’s talk about cutting corporate tax rates, talking about weeding out immigration.
DIONNE: He said that all along.
BROOKS: He’s talked about immigration reform which he’s not talked about much in public.
DIONNE: Yes, he has.
BROOKS: And he’s talked about a grand bargain with cutting spending two dollars and fifty cents for every dollar of tax revenue. That’s a much…
DIONNE: Which is his proposal he’s put on the table.
BROOKS: …that-- that is not what he’s been running on.
(Cross talk)
FIORINA: But-- but I think if-- if you-- if you want to talk about being factually accurate, it is factually inaccurate to say that Governor Romney was against the rescue of the auto industry. If you read his entire op-ed, you guys are journalists I assume you believe that words are important.
DIONNE: I did read his entire op-ed just this week.
FIORINA: And what he says in that op-ed is that he believed that the government should have provided financial guarantees. The difference between Governor Romney’s approach and President Obama’s approach is who gets to stand first in line to get paid off.
(Cross talk)
DIONNE: There was no money in the market that was going to go into the auto industry and that was a recipe...
FIORINA: That’s what he said in the op-ed the government should provide guarantee.
MADDOW: What-- what government-- what government-- what government…
(Cross talk)
GREGORY: Okay. Hold-- hold on. Rachel, quick comment here, then I want to get back to Chuck on Ohio. Go ahead.
MADDOW: What Governor Romney said was you can kiss the automotive industry good-bye if President Obama goes ahead with the auto rescue plan that he went ahead with. That saved the auto rescue, auto industry.
DIONNE: Exactly.
MADDOW: And that-- and-- and it-- it was a success. And Mister Romney is trying to deny the fact that he was against it and he’s trying to take some of the credit for it.
GREGORY: All right. We’re going to get…
FIORINA: The company that is doing best, Ford Motor Company was not rescued…
DIONNE: They were for the auto rescue because they were afraid the whole supply chain would go out if the others went down.
(Cross talk)
GREGORY: All right. Let me get back in here. We’re going to have more on the economy as we move along, because the roundtable stays with us for the hour. I’m about to talk to John Kasich in Ohio where these themes are-- are perfectly in his wheelhouse because it’s really what’s going to decide Ohio.