Cast Of Morning Joe Can't Name Successful Unionized Company Even Though They Work For One

The cast of Morning Joe while fear mongering about the EFCA can't manage to name a single successful unionized company, even though they work for one.

Jamison Foser at Media Matters:

The Morning Joe crew was on an anti-union tear this morning, claiming the union label on a company means "sell." Mika Brzezinski went so far as to say of unions: "They cripple the system that makes a company work." Collectively, the journalists on Morning Joe couldn't name a single "successful" unionized company.


Oh, what the heck, let's take one more example. GE is one of the world's largest companies; in 2006, its revenues were greater than the gross domestic products of 80 percent of UN nations. The company made more than $18 billion in 2008 -- again, billion with a b, and again, those are profits, not revenue. All that despite (or, perhaps, because of) the fact that 13 different unions represent GE workers.

Or is it possible that the anti-union rants from Morning Joe journalists has something to do with the fact that members of the National Association of Broadcast Employees and Technicians-CWA union have protested NBC-Universal?

TPM has a response from James Hoffa.

Unions are aghast. "Sorkin and the Morning Joe crew just showed their complete failure to understand how unions contribute to the success of the American economy by blindly assuming that unionized companies haven't been profitable in the last year," said James Hoffa, General President of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, in a statement to TPMDC.

As both sites noted, Andrew Ross Sorkin is also the one who started the $70 per hour auto worker media myth.

TPM has asked their readers to help compile a list of successful union companies if anyone would care to join in here. The Sorkin List: Successful Unionized Companies

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