Dylan Ratigan's fawning interview with Andrew Breitbart yesterday, he got some push-back from his buddy Cenk Uygur who he helped get on the air at MSNBC in the first place about allowing someone that fundamentally dishonest come on the air and pretend like he had any interest in muckraking or going after corporate America or Wall Street.
Cenk is exactly right. The only people Breitbart goes after are the powerless and minorities with his so-called "sting operations" and highly edited tapes. What he forgot to mention or didn't get a chance to get in edgewise between Ratigan and the other panel members interruptions was Breitbart's ties to the Koch Brothers and the fact that the so-called "tea party" is nothing but an astroturf rebranding effort by Republicans to get the Bush stink off of the word Republican and for them to try to erase how disastrous their governing policies were when they were driving the economy into a ditch from our memory banks.
Ratigan should be ashamed of himself for that interview with Breitbart yesterday, but it looks like he's going to dig in and defend his actions instead. You can try to revise history all you want Mr. Ratigan, but you in no way held Breitbart's feet to the fire on anything during that little love-fest you had with him yesterday afternoon.
Media Matters did a nice job of breaking down that atrocity of an interview by Ratigan at their blog here -- Dereliction Of Duty: Dylan Ratigan Demonstrates How Not To Interview Andrew Breitbart.