Cenk Uygur: If The Democrats Have Any Sense They'll Make Social Security A Defining Issue For 2010

Cenk filled in for Dylan Ratigan again and wrapped up Friday's show with a spot praising the Democrats for finally looking like they're striking the r

Robert Gibbs backtracked and said that President Obama does want to be pushed by the left to do the right thing.

Yeah, whatever buddy. If he decides to listen to that wingnut deficit commission of his, it's not just going to be the "professional left" he's hearing from. You go mess with Social Security and you're going to piss off a bunch of old people no matter what party they're affiliated with. And don't tell me it's not going to anger them if you think it's alright to break the social contract we promised their grandchildren as well.

I keep hearing the GOP talking heads say want to honor the contract for older Americans, but the youth of this country had just better get used to the idea of being thrown under the bus. I'm not buying for one minute that the public is going to like that any better than their privatization scheme.

Not everyone in this country's political mantra is "I've got mine and screw you". Some of us actually care that our friends, our families and our neighbors aren't out on the street begging for scraps. If we don't get this country back to work and yesterday would not be too soon, that's where way too many of us are going to end up no matter what happens with Social Security.

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