Cenk Uygur Slams Millionaire CNN Host Erin Burnett For Protecting Her Own With Fawning Coverage

Cenk Uygur did a nice analysis which showed the difference between the amount of government spending which was wasted in the recent General Services Administration scandal that has the right wing and a good deal of our corporate media, freaking out

Cenk Uygur did a nice analysis which showed the difference between the amount of government spending which was wasted in the recent General Services Administration scandal that has the right wing and a good deal of our corporate media, freaking out over the amount of money wasted during that debacle, and what they're routinely dismissing as just a "tiny portion of the budget" which would be gained if Congress actually passed the "Buffett Rule."

Most of his ire was reserved for CNN host Erin Burnett, who is one of the millionaires herself that would be affected if that rule ever passed and her penchant for quoting sources like the Tax Foundation and bringing on billionaires like John Paul DeJoria to discuss why the rich should not have to pay more in taxes.

As Cenk also noted, Burnett was repeating the exact same lines as Republicans like Mitt Romney out on the campaign trail, who claimed the Buffett rule passing would be meaningless because the amount of the deficit it would reduce was, in his estimate, only eleven hours of government spending. That waste they were freaking out about and having hearings over for the last couple of days that we just can't allow to go on or the world is going to come to an end...seven seconds.

It's always good to know that Republicans have their priorities in line with their latest feigned outrage of the week.

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