Charlie Cook On The Republican 'S Renaming The Democratic Party: This Is Just Stupid, Sophomoric, Towel Snapping

Charlie Cook tells us how he really feels about the Republicans wonderful idea (which didn't end up being passed) to rename the Democratic Party the "

which didn't end up being passed) to rename the Democratic Party the "Democrat Socialist Party" and how anyone who voted for the ridiculous proposal should be treated. I'd like to know why Chris Matthews thinks the Republican's, rightfully called out by Charlie Cook, childish name calling could ever be considered something along the line of "fun"? It always strikes me as nothing other than downright meanness.

Matthews: Alright. I've known for years we've lived with uh..and it's been kind of fun in a weird sick way, every time you heard a Republican at a Republican convention or at a party event would say "the Democrat party" rather than Democratic party and you know that didn't hurt anybody. It's just a stupid way of saying, like Bob Dole used to do it all the time. Now they want to go further and call it the Socialist, or the Democrat Socialist Party. In fact the Associated Press today got it screwed up and referred to it as, they were going to call them the Nationalist Socialist Democratic Party, the Nazi party. That was a typo I guess.

Cook: You know, this reminds me, I laughed when you use the playground metaphor because that was exactly right. It's like in school when you say "Oh your mother wears combat boots". I mean this is just stupid, sophomoric, towel snapping. And the thing is you know Republicans didn't lose fifty four House seats in two elections, fourteen Senate seats and the Presidency for nothing. I think that people, the American people have effectively put them in a time out chair.

They're not listening to Republicans and they don't really care what they say. The question is do Republicans take this time and use it in an effective way to figure out okay, when we get allowed to rejoin the class, when people start listening to us again, what are they, what are we going to say and maybe what can we say that might be more appealing than what they were saying the last two elections.

Fineman: The RNC has no clout, has no place on the landscape. That RNC has been replaced by another RNC, which is Rush, Newt and Cheney.

Cook: You know Republicans should take a list of everybody that votes for this resolution and say okay here's a list of people we should never listen to again, because these are people that are part of the problem, and look for forward thinking people. People that put the party in a position where people might actually want to vote for them again.

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