Chris Matthews Apologizes For Calling West Point "The Enemy Camp"

Chris Matthews must have gotten a whole lot of hate mail for this one because he made sure he apologized for his "he went to maybe the enemy camp toni

"he went to maybe the enemy camp tonight" statement first thing on his following show. He still seemed to want to rationalize why he said it, but I'm glad he realized it was an extremely stupid comment to make and apologized. Now if we could just get him to do the same for all the other ridiculous crap that he spouts on a daily basis.

Mr. Amato and I have talked about Matthews' problem with doing this sort of thing a while back, and I agree with John. Matthews just has no filter between what goes through his brain and what comes out of his mouth. He's got a terribly bad habit of saying the first thing that pops into that head of his and thinking out loud on the air. I think his comment about West Point was just another recent example.

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