Chris Matthews Asks Michele Bachmann If Someone Hypnotized Her

During MSNBC's mid-term election coverage, Chris Matthews tried to ask Rep. Michele Bachmann if she still wants to investigate Democratic Congress members for un-American activities, which Bachmann hedged on and refused to answer along with his

During MSNBC's mid-term election coverage, Chris Matthews tried to ask Rep. Michele Bachmann if she still wants to investigate Democratic Congress members for un-American activities, which Bachmann hedged on and refused to answer along with his other questions which led to this exchange.

MATTHEWS: Let me ask you Congresswoman... Congresswoman Bachmann are you hypnotized tonight? Has someone hypnotized you? Because no matter what I ask you you give the same answer. Are you hypnotized? Has someone put you under a trance tonight that you give me the same answer no matter what question I put to you.

BACHMANN: I think the American people are the ones that are finally are speaking tonight. We're coming out of our trace. Really we're coming out of our nightmare. So I think people are thrilled tonight. I imagine that thrill is probably maybe not quite so tingly up your leg any more. I'm not sure about that.

MATTHEWS: Your sign holder has already raised that issue.

She's in a trance alright Chris. Induced by the constant repetition of right wing talking points.

John Amato:

All night long MSNBC panelists asked the Eric Cantor's of the GOP what government spending they would cut when they took office as the majority and they all declined to answer. When the panel said they wanted Cantor to come back on Lawrence O'Donnell asked why? Not one of the Republicans would answer a single question on what cuts they would make. Bachmann did look like she was in some sort of hypnotic trance, but Republican voters weren't interested in anything they said. The FOX led campaign of creating an opposition party was the real winner of the night.

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