Chris Matthews Calls Deathers Rhetoric "Dr. Death Rumor Mongering" After Fear Mongering On The Issue Himself

Just what part of the Rabbit Hole did Chris Matthews' memory bank have to go down for him to have made this statement? Does he think that none of us h

or video of his show for the past week? After spending a good deal of the last week fear mongering and promoting the Betsy McCaughey talking points on end of life counseling, Matthews actually has the gall to call it "Dr. Death rumor mongering".

Chris, if you actually believe this statement and that the "deathers" rhetoric is fear mongering, how about you start by not doing it on yourself on Hardball?

Matthews: First up, President Obama's biggest hope has turned out to be a scare to a lot of Americans. Horror stories and rumors about health care are out there. This week they seemed to throw the President a bit off balance at a town hall.


Well this week, brand new NBC/Wallstreet Journal poll has a dramatic finding on what the President's persuasion has accomplished. The poll suggests that the people who've changed their mind since April had decided reform would make their own future care worse. There is no positive movement or whatever in people saying their personal care would improve or even stay the same. Some Republicans are picking up on those doubts.


Howard this talk about rationing and this Dr. Death rumor mongering, all this stuff since April has turned people against the President's push.

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