Chris Matthews On Obama's Nation Wide Address: 'I Think You'd Have To Be A Tough Customer Not To Be Touched By It.'

[media id=6691] On tonight's post-Obama Nation Wide Address Edition of Countdown, Keith talks to Chris Matthews about what he thought of the producti

On tonight's post-Obama Nation Wide Address Edition of Countdown, Keith talks to Chris Matthews about what he thought of the production, and Matthews is visibly moved by it and gets a little choked up. Obama certainly knows how to communicate to this country. He's exactly what we need right now to lead us out of the darkness brought on by Conservatism.

Olbermann: If you tuned in maybe grudgingly to this thing, you were told this was the Obama speech, the Obama infomercial purchase, the Obama show, would you have been surprised, would you have been sucked in? How did it work?

Matthews: Well I thought it was Hollywood. It was romance. It was realism. The technical quality of it, the production value was perfect. The way they timed going to live. The biographical material but most important the connection with the average person and the economic turmoil we face right now. I thought it was fabulous. Of course there we see the setting which is very much like an Oval Office setting showing that he's comfortable, and we should be comfortable and will be with him in such a setting.

I thought everything was just right. I thought the most important part of it I thought was the biographical showing him talking about his mom and talking about him taking his chance in history and not wanting to miss it having seen his mother die at a young age and it was very human. I think you'd have to be a tough customer not to be touched by it.

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