Chris Matthews Struggles To Defend Hosting FRC's Tony Perkins On Hardball
I was glad to see Chris Matthews finally get some push back about the fact that he regularly allows someone like Tony Perkins on his show, Hardball, on MSNBC. I've got a long list of other guests you could put right behind Perkins' name as
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I was glad to see Chris Matthews finally get some push back about the fact that he regularly allows someone like Tony Perkins on his show, Hardball, on MSNBC. I've got a long list of other guests you could put right behind Perkins' name as well.
Chris Matthews Struggles to Defend Hosting Tony Perkins:
Confronted by Faithful America members challenging his pattern of inviting hate group leader Tony Perkins on Hardball, Chris Matthews responded by attacking his critics, falsely claiming that Perkins has never "pulled that homophobic stuff on my show," and insisting that "every time he's on he's challenged."
But when challenged further on the fact that Matthews's invitations to Perkins legitimize the hateful lies he tells in other contexts, Matthews doesn't have a good answer and admits "you may be right."
h/t Pam Spaulding