Chris Wallace Calls Bloody Bill Kristol An "Expert" On Iraq

Good grief. Think Progress has it right with their headline on this one. Bill Kristol is wrong about everything. Chris Wallace Calls The Perpetually W

Chris Wallace Calls The Perpetually Wrong Bill Kristol An ‘Expert’ On Iraq:

Demonstrating again Fox News’ hilariously low standards, this morning Fox News’ Chris Wallace referred to Bill Kristol as an “expert in [the] area” of Iraq’s elections:

WALLACE: Bill, you certainly are an expert in this area. The two leading candidates seem to be the current prime minister, Nouri al-Maliki, and the original prime minister [Ayad] Allawi. From the U.S. point of view, who would we rather see?

KRISTOL: I honestly don’t know. I think — the good news has been the degree of reformist parties and the new leaders who have begun to emerge in the Iraqi political system.

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