Think Progress
John Amato:
Here we go. Cheney's new BFF, Chris Wallace does what a good doggie always does for his master. I wrote this yesterday to Cheney, but it applies to the Village apologists as well.
You see, 9/11 doesn't count. Cheney and his ilk make it sound as if America was being attacked every week after 9/11 and once he started torturing they all magically stopped. Why was the US safe from 1993-2001, without using torture or the Patriot act? And the Trade Center bombers were all caught and brought to justice, but using Cheney's method Bin Laden is still free.
Mohammed told America that any plot after 9/11 would be virtually impossible anyway without the medieval methods Cheney adapted.:
Mohammed told interrogators that after the Sept. 11 attacks, his "overriding priority" was to strike the United States, but that he "realized that a follow-on attack would be difficult because of security measures." Most of the plots, as a result, were "opportunistic and limited," according to the summary.
Dick Cheney should never be believed, ever. That's why he goes on FOX every chance he gets.