Chuck Todd Asks If President's Fundraising Is Responsible For Continued GOP Obstruction

If anyone wants to know who is winning the media wars for the way they've governed, look no further than this segment with MSNBC's Chuck Todd.

If anyone wants to know who is winning the media wars for the way they've governed and for an example of how no bad behavior by the Republicans ever goes unpunished, look no further than this segment with MSNBC's Chuck Todd and his panel on this Thursday's The Daily Rundown.

Todd more or less accused President Obama of being responsible for Republicans not wanting to work with him and continuing their obstruction and making sure our government does not function, because heaven forbid, President Obama is out there raising money for House Democrats. Even though Todd admitted that the GOP is playing politics and using this as an excuse not to work with him, he turned right around in the next breath and asked if there are some of them who might have been willing to cooperate with him, but who are now going to legitimately be turned off by the campaigning.

Given that the Republicans entire governing philosophy since President Obama has been elected has been just to obstruct everything he does, even if it means blocking things they previously supported, he should have known the answer to his question before he asked it.

Can anyone even imagine the opposite scenario ever occurring with these talking heads complaining that Republicans had better not be out there raising money to get reelected because they might upset President Obama and the Democrats? I can't, because it never happens.

When Bush was in office, if Democrats didn't want to cooperate with him they were unpatriotic, hated America, and treasonous scoundrels. Now it's a race to the bottom with how low you can go with the racism, secessionist rhetoric, cries about "Socialism" and just outright lies day in and day out and that's just fine, and don't dare hurt the Republicans' terribly tender feelings or they're going to take their ball and go home -- as though they haven't already.

It's malpractice by the media that they've enabled this behavior (not the mention the record obstruction) to be treated as though it's normal or somehow warranted -- when it's anything but.

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