Colbert: Don't Worry, Sen. Rubio, Nobody Noticed... That You Gave A Speech

If anyone thought that Jon Stewart's take down of Sen. Marco Rubio's response to President Obama's state of the union address was brutal, you ain't seen nothing yet if you missed Stephen Colbert that same evening. Colbert took a whack at those who

Jon Stewart's take down of Sen. Marco Rubio's response to President Obama's state of the union address was brutal, you ain't seen nothing yet if you missed Stephen Colbert that same evening. Colbert took a whack at those who put the pressure on Rubio in the first place, like Karl Rove and Sean Hannity, who might have been responsible for his nervousness because of the fact that they were calling him their new "rising star."

COLBERT: No pressure Marco. You're just the egg from which the new Republican party will be born, so we should put all of our egg into one basket, then count our chicken before it hatches. And while we're at it, why don't we make it a hand basket and make sure it's headed some place really warm.

Colbert proceeded to show his viewers a mash up of Rubio's flop sweat wiping, lip smacking and then reaching for his bottle of water and tried to give Rubio some comfort after what happened.

COLBERT: Don't worry Sen. Rubio, nobody noticed... that you gave a speech.

Colbert continued showing the talking heads on Fox making excuses for Rubio and with trying to show some empathy for what he was going through. I'll just let everyone watch the clip instead of spoiling it, but it was laugh out loud funny.

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