The Colbert Report Word: Inc. God We Trust

Businesses such as Hobby Lobby and their ilk who are doing their best to try to fight their way to the Supreme Court for the right to deny their female employees birth control coverage were the subject of Stephen Colbert's Word segment this Monday night and as Colbert explained, this is what we may get to look forward to if the courts rule in their favor:

Businesses such as Hobby Lobby and their ilk who are doing their best to try to fight their way to the Supreme Court for the right to deny their female employees birth control coverage were the subject of Stephen Colbert's Word segment this Monday night and as Colbert explained, this is what we may get to look forward to if the courts rule in their favor:

COLBERT: I believe it is time to acknowledge the deep faith that is held by all of our corporate citizens, no matter what faith they are. Hindus believe in reincarnation, so why should a Hindu corporation be forced to follow workplace safety laws? If there's an accident, the worker will just come back as an ant.

And remember, Buddhists reject the material world. Why should a Buddhist corporation be forced to pay anyone money? And out of respect for their deeply held beliefs, we allow native Americans to legally drop peyote, therefore, we should allow Koch Industries to legally drop acid in our rivers.

Now remember folks, the purpose of religion is to answer the ultimate question, "Are we in control, or is there some greater force pulling the strings?" And if the courts rule that corporations have the same religious rights that we humans do, I think we'll have or answer. And that's The Word.

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