Colbert Takes Keith Ablow Apart For 'Brilliant Long Distance Diagnosis' Yanked From His Ass

Stephen Colbert took Fox resident psychiatrist and Freudian phallic symbol, Dr. Keith Ablow to task for his long distance diagnosis of President Obama.

Fox's Ablow: Being "Abandoned" In Childhood Has Led Obama To "Offer The Mantle Of Victimization To As Many People" As Possible.

COLBERT: Yes, Obama's refusal to negotiate with Congress was just him getting back at his parents. I mean, we've seen this sad story too many times. African American males without role models go onto become president and give everyone health care.

I believe that's a brilliant long distance diagnosis by Dr. Ablow, but one must ask, how was he able to yank such an insightful diagnosis so smoothly from his ass?

Colbert went onto give his own diagnosis of just what's ailing Dr. Ablow.

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