Colbert: The Real Victim Here Is Rush

After taking up for Rush Limbaugh and opining on how terrible it is that advertisers are leaving his show in droves and noting that Limbaugh couldn't possibly be sexist because "he even judged the Miss America pageant," Colbert took up the Fox mantle that Limbaugh is the real victim here.

After taking up for Rush Limbaugh and opining on how terrible it is that advertisers are leaving his show in droves and noting that Limbaugh couldn't possibly be sexist because "he even judged the Miss America pageant," Colbert took up the Fox mantle that Limbaugh is the real victim here.

COLBERT: Now the real victim, the real victim here is Rush. This whole birth control controversy started with that Georgetown law student, Sandra Fluke, whose testimony was no fluke.

Cut to Eric Bolling, Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly and Laura Ingraham talking about how this was all an evil liberal plot against Limbaugh by the Democrats.

COLBERT: Ah yes. She was run by powerful people. She's a pawn. I mean, what's the alternative? That a 30-year-old woman had her own thoughts and feelings about reproductive rights? Come on! What do you take me for? A girl?

Sadly, most conservatives may not realize that Colbert was joking in this segment if this study from a few years ago is any indication.

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