Corker Claims Iran Is Taking Advantage Of 'Weak' Obama Administration
Because we all know "tough" guys just invade countries instead of talking to them:
Because we all know "tough" guys just invade countries instead of talking to them: Corker Says Iran Is Taking Advantage Of Weak Obama Administration:
Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN) said on Sunday he's worried about enforcement of the deal to halt Iran's nuclear weapons program.
"There's bipartisan skepticism here," he said on "Fox News Sunday."
Corker said although he is pleased that a deal was reached, he is worried about enforcing the agreement with Iran. He said that the Obama adminsitration has been "long on announcements, but short on follow through."
"My greatest concern is seeing follow through here," he said.
He said that Iran is taking advantage of a weak administration.
"They view this administration as week," Corker said. "They see this as their window of opportunity."
Corker said that there will likely be members of Congress who will still look to strengthen sanctions against Iran despite the new deal.
Heaven forbid any of this might move forward without members of Congress doing their best to undermine the deal: Obama asks Senate leaders to hold off on new Iran sanctions:
A day before the United States and allies are to reopen talks on Iran’s disputed nuclear program, President Obama asked Senate leaders Tuesday to hold off on imposing new sanctions on the Islamic Republic to give the negotiations a chance to work.
In a closed-door meeting at the White House that ran nearly two hours, Obama told lawmakers of both parties that the negotiations resuming this week in Geneva represented the best chance of “stopping the advance of [Iran’s nuclear] program for the first time in nearly a decade,” Press Secretary Jay Carney said. [...]
With the negotiators believed to be nearing a preliminary deal, pro-Israeli groups have mounted a fierce lobbying campaign against lifting any sanctions, saying it would threaten Israel's security. Lawmakers in both parties have also expressed skepticism of the diplomatic track, with some saying it amounts to appeasement.
After the meeting, Sen. Bob Corker, the ranking Republican on the Foreign Relations Committee, said some senators left the White House “very unsatisfied” with Obama’s case.
“People are concerned that we’re giving up some leverage” by offering Iran even temporary relief from the sanctions, Corker said.
But the Tennessee Republican ruled out the possibility that the Senate would vote on legislation strengthening sanctions before Monday, the start of a weeklong Thanksgiving recess. That buys the administration breathing room to pursue a deal in Geneva in talks due to start Wednesday.
The White House meeting included Secretary of State John Kerry, National Security Advisor Susan Rice and the chairmen and ranking members of the banking, foreign relations, armed services and intelligence committees.
The Obama administration says it has imposed the stiffest economic penalties ever on Iran but believes that tightening sanctions now would destroy a chance for a diplomatic settlement with Iran’s new president, Hassan Rouhani, a moderate cleric.
Obama’s position is “that new sanctions should not be enacted during the current negotiations, but that they would be most effective as a robust response should Iran not accept the P5-plus-1 proposal or should Iran fail to follow through on its commitments,” Carney said.