Countdown: Worst Person Feb. 26, 2009
[media id=7434] You Tube And the winner is....Sean Hannity. Runners up Bill O'Reilly and Dennis Miller and Dave Schultheis. Bill-O and Miller who u
And the winner is....Sean Hannity. Runners up Bill O'Reilly and Dennis Miller and Dave Schultheis.
Bill-O and Miller who used to be funny a long time ago when he had Clinton to beat up on and before he discovered his love for Bush and Fox Noise and sold his soul for whatever they're paying him now are clueless on President Obama's statements on Prop 8. Think Progress has the story on Colorado Senator Dave Schultheis and his opposition to HIV tests for pregnant women. And here's more from The Political Carnival on Sean Hannity for his over the top request for a revolution in this country.
Can anyone imagine what the right wing radio nut job circuit would have done to anyone on the left if they'd have said something this extreme one month after their buddy Bush was elected? I'm not sure what needs to happen to remedy this B.S. since I'm all for freedom of speech but this is completely over the top for anyone that a major news organization wants to pretend to be credible.
I think Hannity just might have jumped the shark on this one. I'm pretty sure Fox News won't care. They'll keep on replaying the bad episode of Happy Days until the zombies quit watching the reruns.