The Daily Show: Jon Stewart Takes On Deather Originator Betsy McCaughey
Jon Stewart takes on fear monger Betsy McCaughey who brought her great big prop of a bill with her to appear on the Daily Show. It was more of the sam
Jon Stewart takes on fear monger Betsy McCaughey who brought her great big prop of a bill with her to appear on the Daily Show. It was more of the same from McCaughey with the government wants to kill grandma type nonsense.
Part 1
Extended Interview Part 1
Extended Interview Part 2
And lookie here: ‘Death Panel’ Myth Creator Betsy McCaughey Resigns From Medical Board:
Betsy McCaughey — an outspoken proponent of the myth that Democrats’ health care reform proposals will lead to the creation of “death panels,” as well as a former lieutenant governor of New York and adjunct fellow at the Hudson Institute — has stepped down from her position as a director of Cantel Medical Corp., which bills itself as a “leading provider of infection prevention and control products in the healthcare market.”
Updated with the on air interview.