The Daily Show Takes On Palin For 'Infiltrating' The Today Show

Jon Stewart and his crew over at The Daily Show took Sarah Palin to task for her appearance on NBC's the Today Show and the fact that she had told Breitbart's rag that "We’re 'going rogue' and infiltrating some turf for a day." Eric Dolan at

Jon Stewart and his crew over at The Daily Show took Sarah Palin to task for her appearance on NBC's the Today Show and the fact that she had told Breitbart's rag that "We’re 'going rogue' and infiltrating some turf for a day."

Eric Dolan at Raw Story has more on Stewart's response to to Palin's appearance -- Jon Stewart pummels Sarah Palin for ‘infiltrating’ the Today Show with her Jesus fish earrings:

But to Stewart, going rogue was actually “cynically exploiting a manufactured notion of yourself as a crusader against a monolithic exclusionary activist liberal media, whilst actually enjoying a mutually beneficial, symbiotic relationship with them, only to the detriment to the rest of the country.”

“Seriously, it’s the Today Show,” he continued. “You really believe co-hosting the Today Show is is entering the lion’s den, armed only with some Jesus fish earrings and an Iwo Jima sized flag pin?”

But Stewart didn’t stop there.

“Governor Palin acts like she needed to protect herself from the lamestream liberals like garlic to a vampire when the truth is, you’re at the Today Show,” he added. “You’re there to talk about party planning with Tori Spelling! To pretend that you remember who Wilson Phillips is, or to hang out for some light-hearted couch banter with Matt and Ann and Al — instead of acting like you’re sitting with which Che and Lenin and Saul Alinsky.”

And here's a bit more from Stewart with his views on what game Palin was playing here.

STEWART: You're pretending this whole appearance is some uncommonly ballsy way of sticking it to the “lame stream media.” It's just another place for you to tout your brand of home-spun nonsense, unchallenged. […]

Ah... failed, Socialist policies, of Barack Obama. I get it and cut to two minutes into your same interview. […]

Right! Wall Street! Fat cats, reaping the benefits, of the failed Socialist... wait, that doesn't make any sense! Oh, but you know what? Who gives a s**t if it doesn't make any sense. […]

But if you really want to know why some people are kind of infuriated with you. It's not your common sense conservatism, or your “momma grizzly” tenacity. It's the casual manner with which you accuse everybody you disagree with of dividing America, while simultaneously and very casually doing this. […]

Hey! You see if right there. That's it. If she could just get some conservatives on there, you know, patriots, who understand the Constitution... right there. That's it, in a nutshell. The simplicity and prejudice of your world view, that the patriotism and goodness of something is in direct proportion, only to the amount of conservatism in said thing.

And that equation so rules your life, that you offered that advice spontaneously to the question of “How do you think Oprah's doing?” I've got to tell you lady, that, must be exhausting, to live like that, although, liberals who are patriots, it is pretty funny.

Stewart proceeded to send his “investigative journalist” John Oliver out to figure out how Palin managed to “infiltrate” the Today Show “in broad daylight.”

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