The Daily Show: Tennessee No Evil

The Daily Show's "Aasif Mandvi worries that a few good apples at an Islamic center in Murfreesboro, TN could ruin it for the rest of the terrorists." Here's more from TPM: Mosque Ado About Fear-Mongering: Right Wing Takes On Muslim Worship

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The Daily Show's "Aasif Mandvi worries that a few good apples at an Islamic center in Murfreesboro, TN could ruin it for the rest of the terrorists." Here's more from TPM:

Mosque Ado About Fear-Mongering: Right Wing Takes On Muslim Worship Anywhere And Everywhere:

Long story short: It's starting to become clear that some conservative groups think that if Muslims are able to worship on American soil, the terrorists have won.

In big cities and small rural communities, from New York to Tennessee to California, the right-wing fear machine is spinning up to take on the construction of mosques and Muslim community centers. In each case, the argument is essentially the same, when the hedging is peeled away: you don't necessarily have to exercise your freedom of religion in the privacy of your own home, but hey, you can't do it in public here either.

July is proving to be the month where the tea party movement is finally coming to grips with -- and rebuking -- some of its more racist elements, a move that many observers would say is a long time coming. But at the same time, plans to build an Islamic community center near the Ground Zero site in New York City has brought to the surface a different kind of bigotry among some conservatives -- namely, the idea that if Muslims are allowed to worship where they want, terrorist violence will spread across the country.

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