Dan Bartlett: Bush's Memoir Will Remind Most Americans (Except Those On The Left) Why They Liked Him
More hackery from the set of Morning Joe. Dan Bartlett thinks that the release of Bush's memoir is going to make most Americans, except for those silly leftists of course, remember why they loved Bush so much. Yeah, sure Dan. If that's true why
More hackery from the set of Morning Joe. Dan Bartlett thinks that the release of Bush's memoir is going to make most Americans, except for those silly leftists of course, remember why they loved Bush so much. Yeah, sure Dan. If that's true why didn't your party roll his sorry ass out right before the mid-term elections so they could all remember just how much they loved him right before they voted?
SCARBOROUGH: Dan Bartlett, what do you think the result of this book is going to be? I suspect like you and you touched on it, people have turned George Bush almost into a cartoon character, suggesting that he didn't give a damn about anything, that he was just a cowboy shooting from the hip all the time. Do you think because expectations are so low and because he's been turned into such a two dimensional character that this book will actually help his standing a great deal with Americans?
BARTLETT: Well like most things in our politics it probably depends on your political perspective. For a lot of people on the left this will probably just reignite a lot of old emotions and give them frustrated all over, but I think for most Americans this will give them an opportunity to say “Okay, well now I know a little bit more about the guy and what he was thinking at the time.”
Sometimes with these big historic moments in our... in the country's history and how he was grappling with it, how he was doing it and seeing a little more of the character of the man; the big controversies like the war and those things, that will take history to settle. But I think this marker that he puts down in this book, I think will give people a better insight to what he is as a person and why people liked him so much when he first ran for president.
SCARBOROUGH: And Dan, let me ask you what happened when he stopped being president. What is it about the Bush's that they have the grace to keep their mouths shut when a new guy gets into the office and let them be President of the United States without hen pecking them for two years.
BARTLETT: That's a good question and a good point to make and I think it has to do with the example that was set by his father and he (inaudible) and we also were on the receiving end when we were in the White House and having presidents taking pot shots was never funny. He always said when we were there he goes “I'm not going to be like that. I know when I'm off the big dance floor it's somebody else's time to be in the Klieg lights and I'm going to go back to have as normal a life as I can.” And I'm happy to report that he's doing a pretty good job of that.
Scarborough seems to forget that he didn't need to go out there and "hen peck" anyone. He had his minion Cheney and his daughter to do the dirty work for him. And don't even get me started on Donny Deustch and two-wrongs-make-a-right Dan Senor.