have just been completely humiliated by President Obama's initial offer during these debt negotiations, or so says former Bushie and Romney adviser, Dan Senor on ABC's
. Senor also did his best to try to spin the idea that the offer was somehow so toxic that most of the public would not blame Republicans if they can't reach a deal.
STEPHANOPOULOS: So you agree that something is going to happen. Dan Senor, that conflicts at least with a lot of the reporting I had on Capitol Hill this week, where you saw significant numbers of Republicans and Democrats more willing to accept the idea of going over the cliff, at least for a few days?
SENOR: Yes, I think as one Republican House member said to me, good lesson in negotiating is don't make your opening offer one of humiliation, which is what Republicans felt the White House has put forth in the last couple of days.
I think there's a sense now, Republicans I have spoken to, particularly in the leadership, have said, look, if we go over the cliff, we're going to get blamed.
STEPHANOPOULOS: No question about that.
SENOR: The view is shifting a little bit now, where there is a sense that if President Obama goes into his second term and poisons the environment so much that he can't get a deal and we go over the cliff, it's going to be so toxic for year two, year three, year four, and he -- the Republicans have some leverage too. The president has to be worried about his legacy and how he's going to govern through the second term. And even though Republicans might get blamed, this whole idea that the president is bringing the country together, something he wasn't able to do in his first term, if he can't do it in his second term, it could be very problematic.
Yeah, that's the ticket. President Obama had better not hurt the Republicans' feelings, or they might start obstructing everything he does and that's going to harm his legacy... oh wait.
I guess Senor thinks the American public has been asleep for the last four years is he actually believes the garbage he's shoveling.