David Corn Bets Brad Blakeman $1000 He's Wrong On Iraq Weapons Inspectors

Well, here's one way to shut these liars down. While discussing Karl Rove's latest bit of revisionist history Brad Blakeman of course defends the Bush

Well, here's one way to shut these liars down. While discussing Karl Rove's latest bit of revisionist history Brad Blakeman of course defends the Bush administration and the lies in Rove's new book. Near the end of the segment after numerous attempts by both Shuster and Corn to rebut Blakeman we get this exchange.

Blakeman: President Bush did not bring us into this war because of WMD. He brought us into the war...

Corn: What!?

Blakeman: ...because Saddam Hussein failed...

Corn: What!?

Blakeman: ...to allow inspections of the sites the U.N. demanded be inspected.

Corn: Brad you're absolutely wrong.

Blakeman: I'm right.

Corn: The inspectors were in. They were for months before the war.

Blakeman: Come on David.

Corn: I'll bet you $1000 right now! $1000 the inspectors were there.

Needless to say liar Brad Blakeman did not take him up on it. Why MSNBC feels the need to bring in someone like Blakeman who they know is just going to lie on the air is beyond me. It was nice to see Corn and Shuster call him on his bullshit though.

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