David Ignatius Carries Water For Palin And Fox Hate Talkers

After discussing this segment from last weeks show Kathleen Parker and Joe Klein: Tea Party fringe groups are a national security threat; FOX and the

Kathleen Parker and Joe Klein: Tea Party fringe groups are a national security threat; FOX and the Becks are acting seditiously David Ignatius decides to carry some water for Sarah Palin and her fellow hate talkers over at ClusterFox.

Ignatius: Well I…no. If the Republican Party is Fox News and Glenn Beck it will lose in perpetuity. This is not a majority movement. I get worried about words like sedition because I love brother Joe, but it seems to me that implies that there’s impermissible speech; speech that is so extreme, so inflammatory that it really shouldn’t allow it…

Matthews: How about reload?

Ignatius: … in the debate.

Matthews: How about Sarah Palin saying it’s time to reload?

Ignatius: Well, a lot of the things that she says strike me as outrageous. These people make their money being outrageous and Sarah Palin’s now joined that group. But that doesn’t mean that it’s dangerous to the republic. I mean look, our national ideology in some level is Libertarianism. I mean, you know liberals and conservatives agree, don’t tread on me. Don’t take away my freedoms to speak, to do what I want. That’s who we are as a people. These people are expressing an extreme view about it. It doesn’t worry me a lot.

Sorry David, but there are limits on free speech whether you're willing to acknowledge that or not. These Villagers sure like to protect their own even when they recognize that they're completely over the top and out of control. How pathetic is it that he also acknowledges that people who work for an organization that has the word "news" in it are being paid to be "outrageous" and representing an "extreme view" and he doesn't blink an eye about it?

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