David Shuster's Hypocrisy Watch: Karl Rove: And Rove Calls President Obama 'Arrogant.'
[media id=7687] You Tube David Shuster takes Karl Rove to task for daring to accuse President Obama of misleading people. Rove seems to have forgott
David Shuster takes Karl Rove to task for daring to accuse President Obama of misleading people. Rove seems to have forgotten about all that "catapulting of the propaganda" they did during the Bush years. Project much Karl?
John Amato:
The DNC released an ad called Pot. Kettle. Black about Rove after he, the one and only called President Obama " an arrogant guy' with Bill O'Reilly.
FOX uses him because he's a sleazy---propaganda machine--who would probably smear his own family members just out of habit, (I have no proof of that) but does the FOX audience actually respect Karl Rove as an analyst after what he's done to our country? OK, I'll rephrase....but does the FOX audience actually respect Karl Rove as an analyst after what he's done to the GOP? Fitzgerald chickened out indicting him. He's lucky he didn't have to get a pardon from Bush.