Democracy Now: Jeremy Scahill And Ex-DIA Analyst Joshua Foust On Yemen & CIA Ops In Libya

From Democracy Now -- Jeremy Scahill and Ex-DIA Analyst Joshua Foust on "The Dangerous U.S. Game in Yemen" & CIA Ops in Libya: Hundreds of thousands took to the streets of Yemen on Wednesday as part of the unwavering protests for the

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From Democracy Now -- Jeremy Scahill and Ex-DIA Analyst Joshua Foust on "The Dangerous U.S. Game in Yemen" & CIA Ops in Libya:

Hundreds of thousands took to the streets of Yemen on Wednesday as part of the unwavering protests for the resignation of U.S.-backed President Ali Abdullah Saleh. We speak to independent journalist Jeremy Scahill, who argues the U.S. secret war has unintentionally played a significant role in weakening Saleh’s regime, and Joshua Foust, who recently left his post as Yemen analyst at the Defense Intelligence Agency. We also get their reaction to the latest news CIA operatives are on the ground in Libya as part of a covert Western force to aid the U.S.-led bombing campaign.


Jeremy Scahill, Puffin Foundation Writing Fellow at the Nation Institute and the author of Blackwater: The Rise of the World’s Most Powerful Mercenary Army. He blogs at TheNation.com.

Joshua Foust, fellow at the American Security Project and a former analyst at the Defense Intelligence Agency specializing in Yemen.

You can read the full transcript at their site. Very good informative interview with Scahill and Foust unlike last night on Ed Schultz's show where he basically talked over Jeremy the the better part of the time he had him on. I know we've got a lot of varying opinions about whether it was a good decision to go into Libya or not, but we don't learn anything from people talking over each other.

And from Scahill at the end of the interview:

JEREMY SCAHILL: I also just wanted to say that for people who want to follow Yemen very closely, I would highly recommend checking out the blog of Professor Gregory Johnsen, who’s widely considered to be the leading U.S. expert on Yemen. It’s "Waq Al-Waq," but if you google Gregory Johnsen’s name, you’ll see. And he just has an incredible English-language update of the on-the-ground situation in Yemen.

AMY GOODMAN: And we will link to that at democracynow.org.

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