Dick Morris Admits He's Taken Money From Candidates He's Shilling For On Fox

Media Matters has been following Dick Morris and his undisclosed conflicts of interest where he's shilling for Republican candidates on Fox News and then taking their money by selling access to his mailing list and for advertising at his web site.

When In Doubt, Assume Dick Morris Is Being Paid By The People He Is Talking About.

And a whole lot more detail on how much his site is being paid for advertising and direct mailings and details on FEC filings here -- Morris Pockets Money From Cain In The Morning, Defends Him On Fox At Night.

Here's a little bit of that post with some of their findings.

Morris has repeatedly used his platform as a Fox News "political analyst" to help line his pockets. He frequently shoehorns plugs for his website -- as he did last night when directing people to his site to buy his children's book -- and helps pad his email list during Fox appearances (most recently through repeated promotions of his offensive anti-Park51 petition), which he then sells to various GOP campaigns.

During the 2009-2010 election cycle, according to a Media Matters review of FEC filings, Morris and Triangulation Strategies received at least $229,174 in direct payments from political campaigns and groups (while Morris was going on Fox News and lying about how he had been working for the Republican Party "without compensation"):

Morris appeared on Fox News and touted the Rankin campaign and Americans for New Leadership without disclosing he was getting paid by them. Morris also repeatedly appeared on Fox News to discuss Pennsylvania politics, and shill for Pennsylvania Republicans and causes, without disclosing his payment.

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