Dick Morris Complains About The Obama Administration Not Doing Enough To Regulate The Oil Industry

Jebus these people just have no shame. Republican water carrier and toe-sucker Dick Morris goes after the Obama administration for not regulating the

Jebus these people just have no shame. Republican water carrier and toe-sucker Dick Morris goes after the Obama administration for not regulating the oil industry and cleaning up the Bush stink at the MMS in time to prevent this disaster we've got in the Gulf.

It's actually pretty pitiful that I find myself agreeing with him that better regulation should have been in place on the oil industry, but I don't ever remember hearing Dick Morris being some champion of regulation before this huge disaster and it's not like this is the first time this has happened. Now that things have turned into a huge clusterf**k Dick Morris and Sean Hannity have decided they're some great champions of government regulation.

What happened to the free market here guys? What happened to that evil "gubmit" putting its foot down on industry and slowing economic growth because of the horrible burdens being regulated would place on them? What happened to singing the songs of your favorite Fox News pundit Sarah Drill-Baby-Drill-Drill-Here-Drill-Now half term governor?

Sorry Dick but you can't have it both ways. And the same goes for you Hannity. You want your free market, here it is. Neither of you cared one iota for government regulation of the oil industry until you wanted government to come in and fix their mess. These two remind me of petulant children who demand their parents fix their toys after they throw them to the ground and want to know why they're broken.

I don't like what's going on with this gusher in the Gulf and we've been being lied to about how large it is from day one by everyone. BP has been completely inadequate with addressing the clean up or containment. Thad Allen looks like he's playing cover for BP instead of actually caring whether we get that oil out of the water but I would imagine it's also well over his pay grade to be bringing in tankers to suck the oil up.

That said Dick Morris and Sean Hannity need to STFU until they decide that maybe the free market and industries run wild are not the answers to everything and quit championing that when they screw up their losses should be socialized and the government has to fix it after they privatized the profits.

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