Doggies Protest Rep. Steve King's Defense Of Animal Cruelty

After his defense of dogfighting last week, it seems the wingnut Rep. Steve King is getting some push back from his fellow Iowans. From CREDO SuperPAC: Paws Against King & CREDO SuperPAC Protest Rep. King For His Defense of Animal

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After his defense of dogfighting last week, it seems the wingnut Rep. Steve King is getting some push back from his fellow Iowans.

From CREDO SuperPAC: Paws Against King & CREDO SuperPAC Protest Rep. King For His Defense of Animal Cruelty:

Protest Follows King's Comments Defending His Votes to Block Anti-Dogfighting Legislation

Ames, IA— Paws Against King and over a dozen CREDO SuperPAC volunteers protested outside of Rep. Steve King’s campaign office in Ames today to voice their concerns about King’s defense of animal cruelty. Local residents brought along their dogs and waved protest signs to demand that Rep. Steve King stop making excuses for dogfighting, and stop blocking efforts in Congress to crack down on animal abuse.

To view and/or download pictures of dogs and protesters at the event, click here:

"No matter how King may try to justify his outrageous comments, the fact remains that he has repeatedly voted to defend animal cruelty,” said local pet owner Susan Brehm-Stecher. “There's no justification for voting to block legislation that could end the barbarism of dogfighting. If Steve King continues to defend animal cruelty, there's no doubt in my mind that animal lovers like me will ensure his defeat in November."

Just this week, Rep. King made national news after defending his efforts to defeat an amendment that would have made it a crime for an individual to attend or bring a child to a dogfight. According to the Humane Society, “There’s no federal lawmaker who has worked harder to thwart the enactment of anti-dogfighting legislation than Steve King.”

Rep. King is being targeted by the CREDO SuperPAC’s “Take Down the Tea Party Ten” campaign because he champions extremist Tea Party values on a variety of issues, including his repeated attempts to block common sense solutions to crack down on dogfighting.

CREDO SuperPAC is not your average SuperPAC. Instead of spending millions on TV advertising, CREDO SuperPAC has hired four full time organizers, has an office in Ames, and is partnering with local constituents in Rep. King’s district to mobilize voters and spread the word about the radical policies championed by Rep. King.

Here's to wishing them the best of luck with their efforts.

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