Open Thread With The Driftglass And Bluegal Weekly Podcast: Blind Trust And Teabagger Faith
Time again for your weekly Driftglass and Bluegal podcast. I thought I'd pass this note along from over at Bluegal's place: A question for those li
Time again for your weekly Driftglass and Bluegal podcast. I thought I'd pass this note along from over at Bluegal's place:
A question for those listening through this blog: we've been avoiding talking about breaking news because some people listen to us days later. Should we keep these podcasts more thematic, or make them weekly reviews of what's going on? What do you think?
A big thank you to those who have already contributed five bucks into the hat. We need your contributions to continue this work. Thanks!
I know they appreciate everyone's input so let them know what you think.
You can listen to past editions here and at, and the podcast is also available on i-Tunes.
And as John explained, we're doing a fundraiser this week. C&L's Fellowship Action Campaign. "Can You Help?":
Please contribute to C&L's Fellowship Action Program. The money will go to supporting C&L's infrastructure, (Our new design is almost done and that means diaries too)) hiring new bloggers to expand our roster, paying the ones we already have including non-writers and to keep the pressure on and push forward towards real progress and real change. Last night we saw what the blogosphere can accomplish yet again.
So please, "Can You Help?"