Ed Schultz: Republicans Only Wrap Themselves In A Flag When One Of Their Own Is In The White House

I've got a lot of issues with America's foreign policy and our military interventions and was extremely wary about the U.S. getting involved in Libya. That said, I agree with Ed Schultz here and calling out Republicans for their double-speak after

Barack Who? GOP 2012 Candidates Respond To Qaddafi’s Fall By Writing Obama Out Of History:

The main GOP presidential candidates' responses to events in Libya were strikingly diverse. However, one factor they had in common was the lack of any mention of one person: the President who actually committed US forces to the conflict.

The exception to this was former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum. "Ridding the world of the likes of Gadhafi is a good thing," he wrote. "But this indecisive President had little to do with this triumph."

That was in line with a rather churlish press release put out Sunday night by Sens. John McCain (R-AZ) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC), which bemoaned that Qaddafi's fall took "so long" because a certain someone wouldn't "employ the full weight of our airpower."

Still, at least this line of approach gave Obama a look-in. For the other candidates (repeating their tactics after the death of bin Laden) the President may as well have not existed.

Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN), who condemned the Libya action from the start, issued a statement acknowledging this disagreement: Read on...

And as Schultz pointed out as well, can you imagine the rhetoric we'd have been hearing from the GOP had this been George W. Bush who'd possibly brought down Gadhafi instead? As he noted, all we have to do is go back and see how they acted when the United States invaded Iraq for a few clues.

And for more on McCain and Graham, here's D-Day's take -- Neocon Twins McCain and Graham Sad About Troubling Lack of Airstrikes In Libya In February and March.

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