Eric Bolling Brings On Tea Partier Dale 'The Electrician' McCoy To Bash Obama Jobs Bill

Looks like Fox has found themselves another "Joe the Plumber" wanna-be. While filling in for Neil Cavuto, Fox's Eric Bolling brought in the Pittsburgh Tea Party Patriot's Dale "the electrician" McCoy to trash President Obama's proposed jobs bill

a regular featured speaker at these tea party events. And apparently one of the local right-wing radio hosts likes him as well since he let him publish an op-ed of his here.

But Bolling did his best to paint McCoy as just some random union member they found out there who wanted to attack the President's jobs bill. It was pretty obvious to me even though I'd never heard of him before that he was used to shilling on a regular basis for someone somewhere because he rattled off a string of right-wing talking points as though he's rehearsed them a hundred times before. And odds are since he's a featured speaker at these AstroTurf "tea party" events, he has.

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